
Edible Audience by the Consumers was an Augmented Reality Performance at the National Gallery of Australia as part of the Liquid Architecture Sound Art event in Canberra in July, 2006.

The performers eat a plate of sounds placed on biscuits using AR technology.

The movements of the visually tracked biscuits were mapped to surround sound speakers around the audience.

This performance was directed by Stephen Barrass and the software was programmed by Tim Barrass.

The performers were Stephen Barrass, Tim Barrass, Peter Morse, Alistair Riddell, Anita Fitton, and Onaclov.

The Consumers have documented the performance in various ways  :)

Peter Morse – http://www.petermorse.com.au/vrar/aviary/

Alistair Riddell – http://www.alistairriddell.com/publications/EdibleAudience.html

Onoclov – http://www.onaclov.com.au/

Stephen Barrass and Tim Barrass – http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10055-006-0043-5